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Thread: Sweeping gardens

  1. #11
    Senior Member Xóchitl L.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweeping gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Guadalupe View Post
    Lo interpreté como uso en espacios verdes dependientes de organismos municipales, pero también me sonaba raro...

    ... voy a buscar qué decía en el original en alemán y les cuento...

    Sale y vale. Yo también tengo curiosidad.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Sweeping gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Guadalupe View Post
    Hi there! I'm translating a garden catalog, and I came across this term in relation to garden hoses. Can anyone explain its meaning?

    This appears in a section entitled "Areas of application", which describes the areas where you can use the product (i.e., a specific hose). Below is an example:

    "Areas of application: market gardens, industry, building sites, town councils, intricate garden designs and sweeping gardens".

    For the time being, I am translating it as "limpieza de jardines", since "sweep" means "barrer".

    Thanks in advance
    Bueno Damas y Caballeros

    After reading the original post again, I think perhaps the "Areas of application:..." is poorly written and maybe was intended to include methods, or ways, as well as places. Aside from physical places area can be defined as: 8. the range, extent, or scope of anything

    If this was originally written in German then perhaps something was lost in the translation. I still do not understand why "town councils" is just stuck in the middle of areas, i.e., places, where the hose can be used. It makes no sense.

    So, if the original was mis-translated then we are butting our heads against a wall until we determine the correct translation from German to English.

    At this point I am inclined to agree with Guadalupe's first interpretation of "limpieza de jardines" as the more likely interpretation.
    Last edited by vicente; 08-03-2011 at 12:18 PM.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Guadalupe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sweeping gardens

    Hi everyone! I'm back!

    I have found many ackward things in my source text, probably because it was a translation from German.

    The term for "town councils" in the German version was "kommunen". Here you have two sites where one can have an idea of its meaning: dict.leo.org - Ergebnisse für "Kommune"; Interglot - "Kommune" translated from German to Spanish. I think I understand now. However, due to time constraints, I have not been able to check every single strange thing in my source text and compare it with the English version.

    The German version for "sweeping gardens" was "weitläufige Gärten", so I think "jardines extensos" was right.

    Finally, I translated "Areas of Applications" as "Usos", because I found it more appropriate in context.

    In any case, now that I have finished with this job, it's nice to share opinions in order to keep on learning... Of course, any enlightening comments are always welcome!

    Thank you for your valuable contribution!

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Sweeping gardens

    Thanks for updating us Guadalupe!


  5. #15
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    Default Re: Sweeping gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente View Post
    Thanks for updating us Guadalupe!

    It's a pleasure!

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    muchas gracias

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