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Thread: Please help me with this letter, please!!! Its always greatly appreciated!!!

  1. #1
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    Default Please help me with this letter, please!!! Its always greatly appreciated!!!


    I hope you are doing well and staying dry from the rain. Florida was really nice, the kids had a lot of fun. How was it when Denis was visiting there? I heard that he thinks he is too good for anyone and he never talks to anyone. Is that true? He is crazy! Anyway, I would send you a pair of shoes but the only problem is how do I send them to you? Do you have a mailbox? If you give me your information I can send them to you. But if you can't then I can send you money through Western Union. You have to give me all your information though. I hope you are doing good and staying out of trouble. I can't wait to visit again but not sure when...I'm fixing up my house and it is costing me more money than I thought so I can't travel now. Anyways, take care.....mucho besos!

  2. #2
    PIM is offline
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    Default Re: Please help me with this letter, please!!! Its always greatly appreciated!!!

    Estimado forista,
    (Aclaracion no soy traductora pero puedo ayudarte con esta nota)

    Espero que la estes pasando bien y te mantengas seco de la lluvia. Florida estuvo muy linda, los chicos disfrutaron mucho. ¿Como te fue cuando Denis estuvo visitandote alli? Yo escuche que el piensa que es demasiado bueno para cualquiera y el nunca habla con nadie. Es eso verdad? El esta loco. De todas maneras, yo te manderia un par de zapatos pero el unico problema es como mandartelos. Tenes una direccion de correo? Si vos me dieras la informacion yo puedo mandartelos. Pero sino tenes yo puedo mandarte dinero a traves de Western Union. Aunque tenés que darme toda la informacion. Yo espero que estes bien y no estes metiendote en problemas. No puedo esperar a visitarte otra vez pero no estoy seguro cuando. Estoy arreglando mi casa y me está costando mas dinero que no pienso viajar por ahora. De todas formas, cuidate........muchos besos.

    Espero te sirva!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Please help me with this letter, please!!! Its always greatly appreciated!!!

    Thank you so much! Your help is greatly appreciated!

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