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Thread: could you revise this ?

  1. #1
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    Default could you revise this ?

    Hi guys! Woud you revise my translation into English.
    Thank you very much!

    Y fue el emprender un camino propio, distinto lo que le permitió a Latinoamérica sobrellevar dignamente el 2009 y plantearse un 2010 con crecimiento, inclusión ciudadana y más democracia, cuando muchos países del hemisferio Norte “desarrollado” siguen sufriendo las consecuencias de repetir ideas que los latinos ya conocemos a lo que llevan.
    By embarking on an own and distinct way, Latin America could endure the year 2009 decently and consider the year 2010 in terms of growth, inclusion of every citizen and more democracy. On the contrary, many northern hemisphere “developed” countries still suffer the consequence of repetitive pattern of behaviour which the Latin Americans have already learnt what it results in.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: could you revise this ?

    English to Spanish or the other way around??

    Embarking on its own [unique] path allowed Latin America to endure 2009 with dignity, and [permitted] to plan for 2010 in terms of growth, social inclusion, and more democracy in times when many countries in the so called developed Northern Hemisphere are still/continue suffering the consequences of repeating/putting into practice ideas with results that are too well known for Latin Americans.
    Last edited by Cotty; 01-06-2011 at 01:26 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: could you revise this ?

    Excelente cotty, mil gracias!!!!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: could you revise this ?

    ...allowed Latin America to endure 2009 with dignity and to plan for 2010... is good but if you add "permitted" you have a problem.

    Either ....and permitted planning for 2010...
    or ...and permitted Latin America to plan for 2010... (which is repetitive but you could use some other phrase).

  5. #5
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    Default Re: could you revise this ?

    HI MARIAKLEC, THANKS FOR YOU COMMENT. ANYWAY I WENT WITH "... to endure 2009 with dignity, and plan for 2010 ..." I even left "to" out
    kind regards! Diego
    PS, as far as I know " permited" follows the "to infinitve" pattern. However , i take it that if you use "permitted planning" "planning" is functioning as a noun but the to infinitve functions as a noun in deep grammar as well , so what i mean is that permitted + ing is no very frequent.
    I may be not right. I'll check it out.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: could you revise this ?


    -Embarking on its own path allowed Latin America to endure 2009 with dignity and to plan for 2010... (I think this translation is best.)

    -Embarking on its own path allowed Latin America to endure 2009 with dignity and plan for 2010... (I'm not positive about this one----it may not be a proper parallel construction without the second "to". Not my first choice for comfortable translation.)

    -Embarking on its own path allowed Latin America to endure 2009 with dignity, and permitted planning for 2010... (Sounds grammatically ok but awkward, to me.)

    -Embarking on its own [unique] path allowed Latin America to endure 2009 with dignity, and permitted Latin America to plan for 2010... (repetitive, but grammatically ok)

    Not correct:
    Embarking on its own path allowed Latin America to endure 2009 with dignity and permitted to plan for 2010...

    You can use permitted + infinitive in a passive statement:
    Latin America was permitted to plan for 2009...
    or with an object:
    Embarking....permitted Latin America to plan for 2009...

  7. #7
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: could you revise this ?

    Stylistic is very important in writing. Grammar and form go hand in hand, so not only grammatical correctness is a must but also syntactical, lexical and other aspects are important.

    Parallelism is essential for a piece to have balance and symmetry. I think that here we have to favor the options that have parallel structures--even if the other options are also grammatically correct.

    In reference to the parallel infinitive with to or without to, I understand both are accepted:

    I like to dance, sing and act ... to endure and plan
    I like to dance, to sing and to act ... to endure and to plan

    Having reread my first post, I think that permitted (whether followed by a gerund or an infinitive) is not necessary because the verb allowed applies to both verbs: to endure and to plan.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: could you revise this ?

    Thank you very much for your comments guys!

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