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Thread: "servicios de traduccion de alta complejidad y gran volumen"

  1. #1
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    Default "servicios de traduccion de alta complejidad y gran volumen"

    Hi there,

    I'm a university student doing translation for the first time ever and did not realise how fine tuned it actually was. Am doing some homework and am stuck on the last line:

    "nos especializamos en servicios de traducción de alta complejidad y gran volumen realizados por equipos de expertos traductores."

    Now, I'm not asking for you guys to translate the whole sentence for me. The only thing I don't know how to get to make sense is "de alta complejidad y gran volumen".

    High complexity and great size/volume? It doesn't make sense to say "We specialise in translation services of high complexity and great/large volume done by teams of expert translators"

    May I have a little help please?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: "servicios de traduccion de alta complejidad y gran volumen"

    try using the inverse forum...

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