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Thread: translate if you will~

  1. #1
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    Default translate if you will~

    te puedo decis algo te extraño. grasias y yo tambien xq estoy en examen apen s tenga tioempo te escribo y como e estado enferma osea de fijo no te puedo escribir a les manda un abraso a tu hermanas de mi parte. le pasa si me bañe ese dia esq estaba super triste y estaba llorondo. yo tambien te extraño y ademas ni loca me olvida de ti besos y cuidate mucho y espero verte pronto te quiero mucho chaito bebe.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: translate if you will~


    let me ask you something. Are you a spanish speaker? Your piece of writing is full of mistakes. Could you rewrite it properly?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: translate if you will~

    no i am not. i know a little spanish, but my knowledge of it is not that great. i'm copying and pasting what my friend wrote to me. i am sincerely sorry for the mistakes, i just ask that you or any forumer can translate my post to the best of their ability. again, sorry

  4. #4
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: translate if you will~

    Hi Romance! Here's what it says

    "Can I tell you something? I miss you. Thank you, and me too because I have exams (I'm taking a lot of exams...?), as soon as I have the time I'll write to you, and I've been sick, so I couldn't write to you... Oh, give your sisters a hug from me, will you? Yes, I took a bath that day, it's just that I was really sad and crying. I miss you too, and I would never forget you! Kisses, take care, and I hope to see you soon. Love, bye babe!

    Hope this helps!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: translate if you will~

    esta escrito como el reverendo upi-t

    Te puedo decir algo? te extraño. gracias, yo tambien te extraño. Es que estoy con exámenes pero apenas tenga tiempo te escribo, y como he estado enferma, o sea de fijo (en cama); no te pude escribir, ¡Ah! "les mando un abrazo" a tu hermanas de mi parte. lo pasó si "me bañe" ese dia fue porque estaba super triste y llorando. yo tambien te extraño , y ademas ni loca me olvido de ti, ¡besos y cuidate mucho!... espero verte pronto te quiero mucho chaito(chau) bebe.

    "Can I tell you something? I miss you. thank you, I miss you too. Although I'm studyng a lot I'll write to you as soon as possible, I've been sick also, so I couldn't write you... ah, the best wishes for your sisters, ok? If lost my nerve that day, it was because I was really sad and crying. I miss you too, and I'd never forget you! Kisses, good luck, and I hope I see you soon., bye babe!"

    I am not an english speaker so correct this if something sounds weird

  6. #6
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    Default Re: translate if you will~

    e puedo decis algo te extraño. grasias y yo tambien xq estoy en examen apen s tenga tioempo te escribo y como e estado enferma osea de fijo no te puedo escribir a les manda un abraso a tu hermanas de mi parte. le pasa si me bañe ese dia esq estaba super triste y estaba llorondo. yo tambien te extraño y ademas ni loca me olvida de ti besos y cuidate mucho y espero verte pronto te quiero mucho chaito bebe.

    Hey can i tell you something? I miss you. Thanks, me too, but I'm in an exam so i got little time, and as i've been ill I haven't been able to write to you. Oh, send a kiss and a hug to your sisters for me. If I had a bath that day it was because i was very sad and I was crying. I also miss you and I won't forget you. *Kiss* I hope to see you soon, take care, bye babe.

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