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Thread: hope. por favor ayudame

  1. #1
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    Default hope. por favor ayudame

    any feedback would be helpful. been having problems with translating "hope" and "feel free" mostly. all replies welcome.

    Feel Free to call us at 555-555-5555 but please be patient
    while we find a spanish speaker for you.

    Recovery is hope,
    program staff

    [my attempt]

    llamamos al 555-555-5555 pero por favor sea paciente mientras nos encontramos un hablante de espanol pare usted.

    esperanza esta en la recuperacion,
    staff de programa

  2. #2
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    Default Re: hope. por favor ayudame

    Hi dondelobo

    The translation for the word hope would be "speranza".
    And feel free, could be translated literally, though in this case I would say: "no dude en llamarnos al 5555555"

    Hope it helps,

  3. #3
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    Default Re: hope. por favor ayudame

    that makes sense thank you. how does the rest of it flow with the changes or do more changes need to be made?

    feedback welcome.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: hope. por favor ayudame

    Quote Originally Posted by dondelobo View Post
    any feedback would be helpful. been having problems with translating "hope" and "feel free" mostly. all replies welcome.

    Feel Free to call us at 555-555-5555 but please be patient
    while we find a spanish speaker for you.

    Recovery is hope,
    program staff

    No dude en llamarnos al 555-555-5555, pero por favor sea paciente mientras encontramos un hispanoparlante para usted.

    la esperanza está en la recuperacion, (i'm not sure if that is what you mean)
    equipo del programa


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