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Thread: How would you say that something is "Nanoengineered"

  1. #1
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    Default How would you say that something is "Nanoengineered"

    I am translating this article on nanoengineered heart patches and the author of the article (not me) decided to use the word "nanoengineered"..would the proper translation be nanodiseñado?


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    Default Re: How would you say that something is "Nanoengineered"


  3. #3
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    Default Re: How would you say that something is "Nanoengineered"

    Gracias cucosteles!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How would you say that something is "Nanoengineered"

    Hey Could you please tell me if this reads okay.


    Levchenko hopes that the nanoengineered scaffold will one day serve as a platform for growing patches of heart cells for transplantation. The method would potentially improve upon existing cell transplantation techniques, which involve injecting cells with a syringe. While many such approaches have been tried, the best studies have yielded cells scattered throughout the heart that cannot integrate into a functional muscle that beats together in the required pumping motion. Levchenko’s trained tissue patches could provide a substantial improvement over this situation.


    Levchenko espera que el andamio nanoconstruído algún día sirva (o servirá?) como una plataforma para los parches crecientes de células del corazón utilizados para el trasplante. El método podría potencialmente mejorar las técnicas existentes de transplantes de células, que (Actualmente?) consisten en inyectar células con una jeringuilla. Mientras que muchos métodos similares han sido intentados, los mejores estudios han arrojado a células dispersas por todo el corazón que no pueden integrarse en un músculo funcional que late junto en el movimiento necesario de bombeo. Los parches de tejidos formados por Levchenko podrían proporcionar una mejora sustancial en esta situación.

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