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Thread: Do you leave the hyphen for repetitive verbs in french?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Do you leave the hyphen for repetitive verbs in french?


    I've been having this doubt for quite a while now. Is there a rule for hyphens in french for verbs like for example "re-do, re-write, re-etc..."?
    I translated resubmision as "resoumission" and not "re-soumission", is that correct? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you leave the hyphen for repetitive verbs in french?

    no hyphen in French for re-do, re-write, etc (refaire, réécrire)
    Trait d'union - Hyphen
    No space before or after
    A. Rapport : Indicate a link between words or parts of words.
    1. Compound words grand-mère, couvre-lit, quatre-vingts
    2. Hyphenated names Jean-Luc, Marie-Lise
    3. Imperative + pronoun aide-moi, fais-le, allez-y
    4. Inversion veux-tu, pouvez-vous, a-t-il
    5. Prefixes non-fumeur, quasi-collision
    6. Set expressions c'est-à-dire, vis-à-vis
    7. Suffixes celui-ci, cet homme-là
    B. Césure : Link the parts of a word that breaks at the end of a line such as Je veux aller à la bou-

    beste groeten - sincères salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Do you leave the hyphen for repetitive verbs in french?

    Hi Frank, thanks a lot for clearing out those doubts I had. I will definitely paste your reply in my "favorites".
    I'll leave "resoumission"

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Do you leave the hyphen for repetitive verbs in french?

    Une petite astuce pour s'aider avec l'écriture pourrait être la prononciation du -s- s'il y en a.

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