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Thread: Swabbable?

  1. #1
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    Default Swabbable?


    What does swabbable mean, and what would be its french translation?

    Here is the full sentence: "A flat, swabbable split-septum compression seal that protects and connects the fluid path". The tool we are talking about is a "Nuitiv™ Clear Needle-free connector"
    My translator's pick was "écouvillonable", but I personally would say "nettoyable", what do you think?
    swabable > écouvillonable

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Swabbable?

    The text is also talking about a "male luer", which I had never heard of before. I am guessing "luer" stays the same in french, am I right?
    Full sentence: To secure the connection, simply grip the Nuitiv connector, insert the male luer, then engage collar threads and rotate a quarter turn until fully secured.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Default Re: Swabbable?


    I can't help you with "swabbable".

    But perhaps with "male Luer" :
    Raccord conique Luer. Raccord Luer Lock (used in French : Notre raccord Luer Lock a des embouts coniques qui répondent au standard ISO...)
    The "Luer taper" was invented by a German medical instrument maker : Hermann Wülfing Luer.

    I didn't know all this, but I was intrigued and found this on the web.

    beste groeten - sincères salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Swabbable?

    Thank you Frank.
    I did find in the internet that this "luer" connector is a trademark...hence it must say as "luer". Je suppose que l'adjectif "conique s'applique seulement pour les "male luer".

  5. #5
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Default Re: Swabbable?

    Je n'ai aucune idée.

    Il y a beaucoup d'images des locks Luer sur l'internet, mais pour moi ce n'est pais toujours clair.
    Bon week-end !

    beste groeten - sincères salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Swabbable?

    Since it's a medical instrument or device the term swabbable might have a different meaning; however, I'm guessing that swabblable is derived from the verb "to swab" and means it is capable of swabbing or being swabbed.

    Medical Definition of swab
    1 : a wad of absorbent material usually wound around one end of a small stick and used for applying medication or for removing material from an area

    2 : a specimen taken with a swab <a throat swab>

    transitive verb
    Medical Definition of swab
    swabbed; swabbing

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Swabbable?

    Hi guys,

    I did a little research on this subject and found out a couple of things.

    Apparently, as some of you already pointed out, the text refers to a specific connector or valve commonly used for constant flow intravenous injection systems.

    It seems classic intravenous systems had to be constantly replaced or cleaned to check for growing bacteria or other common medical threats the devices were currently exposed to.

    These more modern valves reduce the chances for infections or any other sort of corruption that usually builds up overtime to appear spontaneously, avoiding constant replacement.

    In addition, these new valves can be plugged in and out quite easily with a minimal risk of infection, allowing doctors to take samples (by using a swab) of any bacterial development within the valves.

    It appears that, as they were developing this technology, the doctors tested its efficiency by deliberately inoculating the valves with a daily fresh culture of Staphylococcus aureus. After seven days of use, the valves demonstrated no growth of the organism when swabbed prior to accessing the valves, which proved its superior performance against classic intravenous devices.

    So, as far as the translations for this goes, (I don’t speak french btw), it should be something that conveys the idea of something “cleanable”, “Removable” or with “easy access”.

    In Spanish they are usually translated as: “Válvulas de acceso intravenoso sin aguja”

    “male luer” on the other hand refers to the type of plug as in Male or Female, just as it does in basic electronics.

    I found this in a brochure that resulted in a good visual aid to finally grasp the idea of what the “swabbable thingy” was:


    Hope you find this useful...

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Swabbable?

    Interesting vicente. Like the cotton swabs you use to clean your ears. This looks like one of those illustrative/metaphorical words in english very hard to translate....

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