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Thread: Le français est-il une des langues les plus difficiles ??

  1. #1
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    Question Le français est-il une des langues les plus difficiles ??

    Je me pose une question en parlant avec beaucoup d'étrangers :

    Le français est-il vraiment une langue difficile à apprendre ? Difficile de se rendre compte lorsque l'on est natif français.. En comparaison aux autres langues ??

    I ask me something, what is the most difficult language to learn ? Is it French ? Asian Languages ? Difficult to answer where you are native from France..

    Then I'm waiting for your opinion about that..

  2. #2


    I believe that the most difficult language to learn is Spanish and French due to the different verb tenses. However, Chinese and Japanese are difficult too, even for natives!!
    Do you agree?

  3. #3
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    I don't know if french and spanish are really difficult.. Asian, and oriental ones looks so hard, just the alphabet, is amazing..!

    Hebe I'm sure that you can give us your opinion what do you think ?? As you use Spanish, English and recently French ??

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    I agree with you Guille,. I heard that Asian languages such as Chinese and Japanese may take up to four years to learn, while other languages can be learned in less than a year.
    Last edited by Hebe; 03-08-2007 at 12:38 PM.

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  5. #5
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    Well, a language learned in less than an year can be difficult too.. nO ?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guillaume
    Well, a language learned in less than an year can be difficult too.. nO ?

    Not for you baby ... you´ve got the smarts

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
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  7. #7
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    oh Hebe.. Thanks a lot..

  8. #8
    Senior Member Julio Jaubert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guillaume
    Je me pose une question en parlant avec beaucoup d'étrangers :

    Le français est-il vraiment une langue difficile à apprendre ? Difficile de se rendre compte lorsque l'on est natif français.. En comparaison aux autres langues ??

    I ask me something, what is the most difficult language to learn ? Is it French ? Asian Languages ? Difficult to answer where you are native from France..

    Then I'm waiting for your opinion about that..
    Toutes les langues sont difficiles. Le problème est l'apprentisage d'une langue qu'il n'est pas similaire a la votre. Si vous parlez portuguese, le français serai plus facile que, par exemple, si vous parlez chinois.

    All the languages are difficult. Learning becomes a problem when you are studying a language that isn't similar to your language. If you talk Portuguese, French will be easier than, (for example) if you talk Chinese.

  9. #9
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    Default Difficultés d'apprentisage des langues

    Hi you all!
    I'm new to the site, and I'd like to contribute to this topic.
    I think I can speak about my own experience. I'm a native of Spanish, then I learnt English and then French. I don't know exactly why but French was more difficult for me than English, (maybe because I was older when I started?)
    I think the problem with French is not only the verb conjugations, but also concordance in general. For example, I keep forgetting gender in adjectives.
    I find English so practical about that!
    I don't think the problem is one of similarity. I think if a language is really different to the one you speak, you will pay more attention and it will be easier not to get confused.
    I don't know what language is more difficult -I don't know that many languages.
    But for sure, English is easy.

  10. #10
    New Member banane82's Avatar
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    I think all languages are difficult to learn, not especially one. It depends of different factors : the language of the speaker, his tastes, his capacities to learn.... For some people chinese will be easy, but english will be very hard

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