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Thread: Common French Phrases

  1. #1
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    Default Common French Phrases

    Useful information about French phrases and words used in France in French, conversation , French greetings and survival phrases. Learn Common French Phrases in Talk in French’s blog today!

  2. #2
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Common French Phrases

    Algunas expresiones para recordar:

    - On est bien dans sa peau: Estoy bien.

    - Ça ne fait rien: No tiene importancia.

    - Ça vaut le coup: Vale la pena.

    - Je n'en reviens pas: No puedo creerlo.

    ¿Conocen alguna otra?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Common French Phrases

    - Je n'en crois pas mes yeux: No puedo creerlo
    - Donner un coup de main: Dar una mano
    - Rester sur sa fin: Estar decepcionado, esperaba mucho más. No alcanzó las expectativas.

    La suite au prochain épisode

  4. #4
    Senior Member iyuanobi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Common French Phrases

    The few things I know are bonjour, merci, au revoir and je ne sais pas...

  5. #5
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Common French Phrases

    Jajajaja, I'm afraid you need to learn French, iyuanobi.

    Some examples for beginners:

    Comment ça va?
    How are you?

    Je ne comprends pas.
    I don't understand.

    Parlez plus lentement, s'il vous plaît!
    Speak more slowly, please!

    Parlez vous anglais?
    Do you speak English?

    C'est combien?
    How much is this?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Common French Phrases

    The next episode has landed! Here are few more:
    -J'en ai marre : Estoy harto
    - Quoi de neuf?! : ¿Que tal? , ¿Que hay de nuevo?
    - Tiens moi au courant / Tiens moi au jus : Mantenme al tanto
    - Revenons à nos moutons : Volvamos al tema. Cuando uno se pierde hablando de otra cosa de lo que hablaba al principio, y quiere volver al tema principal.

    Next chapter coming upo soon

  7. #7
    Senior Member iyuanobi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Common French Phrases

    Quote Originally Posted by reminder View Post
    Jajajaja, I'm afraid you need to learn French, iyuanobi.

    Some examples for beginners:

    Comment ça va?
    How are you?

    Je ne comprends pas.
    I don't understand.

    Parlez plus lentement, s'il vous plaît!
    Speak more slowly, please!

    Parlez vous anglais?
    Do you speak English?

    C'est combien?
    How much is this?
    Haha, I thought as long as I know how to say "Je ne sais pas" I am immune to all the questions that may arise

  8. #8
    Senior Member iyuanobi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Common French Phrases

    Quote Originally Posted by nabylm View Post
    The next episode has landed! Here are few more:
    -J'en ai marre : Estoy harto
    - Quoi de neuf?! : ¿Que tal? , ¿Que hay de nuevo?
    - Tiens moi au courant / Tiens moi au jus : Mantenme al tanto
    - Revenons à nos moutons : Volvamos al tema. Cuando uno se pierde hablando de otra cosa de lo que hablaba al principio, y quiere volver al tema principal.

    Next chapter coming upo soon
    Nice! French lesson 001

  9. #9
    Moderator AnabellaG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Common French Phrases

    Loved this thread! My french is saved in an old box covered with dust, so these common phrases will help me to go back on the road (´・ω・`) Thank you!

  10. #10
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Common French Phrases

    Jajaja, to be honest, iyuanobi, many Spanish native speakers also apply your "Ni idea".

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