View Poll Results: Who would/will you vote for as the President of the United States?

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  • Obama/Biden

    10 83.33%
  • McCain/Palin

    2 16.67%
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Thread: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    Do you know that Obama's full name is Barack Hussein Obama?

    How weird is that the Americans will vote for someone named Hussein? And don't get me started on Obama Biden...
    Perhaps it's not weird at all. Perhaps "Americans" should be given more credit.

    And I don't understand your last comment about "Obama Biden"

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

    Quote Originally Posted by ScottJ
    Perhaps it's not weird at all. Perhaps "Americans" should be given more credit.

    And I don't understand your last comment about "Obama Biden"
    Agreed. I'll be voting for Obama.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Ezequiel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

    I'm guessing Veronica compared "Obama Biden" with "Osama Bin"... I'm right? I'm not THAT twisted, am I?

    I think Bush (and so the republicans) did a lot to make this world a worst place. He is nuts, and I confirm that everytime I watch him speak on TV. It makes me sad to see that these kind of people are the ones who rule our world...

    So I'd vote Obama all the way. I believe it's democrats turn to show the world what USA has to offer.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

    Obama/Biden are a dream come true. If that old shaky man and stupid embarrassment of a woman win ill quit the US. She can take a leap of the bridge to nowhere, aparently Russia is close enough to her house she can paddle ashore there.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

    Emily -

    Long time no see! Good to see your heart hasn't softened in your time off!

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

    It is interesting to hear the views of those from outside my country but I suspect they have a very limited understanding of how fractured American society is today. Our economic stability is shaken to its core and the shock waves are being felt across the globe. Our political views have become so polarized that the presidential and vice presidential debates found our only common ground is our grief over how desperate the situation is becoming and the question has become one of socialism versus capitalism.

    Obama’s name is truly not a factor in America as we are used to second and third generation citizens having ethnic names. What is a factor are his hard line socialistic views that call for a huge influx in government regulation of what is now in the public domain and the increase in taxation required to oversee such regulation. This forced redistribution of wealth from private business coffers to government coffers is a radical change for America which has based its political and economic philosophy until now on capitalism.

    I recognize that many people are living comfortably in socialist societies and I support their right to do so. But I, like many Americans, do not want to give up on capitalism as this would mean conforming to a government imposed socioeconomic norm and giving up on personal ambition. In a socialist society only politicians grow up to be wealthy and powerful. In a capitalist society anyone can. For these reasons I cannot support Barak Obama for president.

    "El verdadero objectivo de la vida no es el destino final, si no disfrutar el camino."

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

    Quote Originally Posted by El Detective
    I recognize that many people are living comfortably in socialist societies and I support their right to do so. But I, like many Americans, do not want to give up on capitalism as this would mean conforming to a government imposed socioeconomic norm and giving up on personal ambition. In a socialist society only politicians grow up to be wealthy and powerful. In a capitalist society anyone can. For these reasons I cannot support Barak Obama for president.

    "giving up on personal ambition"? That is taking it to an extreme that simply blows my mind. The current capitalist system continues to have these blips because the people in charge are simply too greedy and they exploit those beneath them. Regulating that sort of abuse of the low and middle classes' resources would not affect ambition at all. I find it appalling that people I respect do not think that every citizen is entitled to health care, but that's a different argument with a wealth of solutions. The key point here is that I have not seen or heard anything to make me believe that Obama is a "socialist". The government ALWAYS gets involved in the lives of its citizens when it is working for the betterment of the majority. The New Deal is the best example, but you can look at things like "highways", the post office, public schools (ok...don't look there), etc., to see that the government has always stepped in and said "we'll take care of this part". Not to mention that George W. Bush, a capitalist man's pesident, no?, increased the budget and increased federal programs to a point never dreamed of by a short, I don't see ties to "socialism" in the form of Barack Obama's policies, but I do see that "capitalism" has brought the US to a dangerous point (again) and it may only get worse, depending on what happens to the budget deficit and foriegn debt...

    Do I make any sense?

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

    Yes Scott, you do make sense, but your own words belie your personal slant toward socialism. Greedy capitalist exploiting those beneath them has been the mantra of socialist for longer than I have bee around and will continue to be a dividing view between capitalist and socialist. If you listen to Senator Obama you will regularly hear him use such socialist catch phrases as “redistribution of wealth”. As far as George W. Bush is concerned I would hardly call him “a capitalist man’s president” for the very reasons you have brought out.

    I do not believe it is capitalism that is to blame for our current situation. I blame the Congress (all the political parties represented) for failing to enforce the financial legislation currently in place that is meant to regulate those actors who have a strong influence in our economy. We would never see an Enron or Sallie Mae scandal if the current laws were enforced. If you want to bemoan the greedy exploiting the system you need to look no further than your own congressman or senator. I do not believe the answer is the kind of government regulation and takeover of private business suggested by Senator Obama.

    That said I do understand your frustration at our current situation. I just disagree with your solution and thank God we live in a society where I can do so respectfully and publicly.

    "El verdadero objectivo de la vida no es el destino final, si no disfrutar el camino."

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

    Quote Originally Posted by El Detective
    I blame the Congress (all the political parties represented) for failing to enforce the financial legislation currently in place that is meant to regulate those actors who have a strong influence in our economy. We would never see an Enron or Sallie Mae scandal if the current laws were enforced.

    I do not believe the answer is the kind of government regulation and takeover of private business suggested by Senator Obama.

    Just as you say that there is a difference between "proper government regulation" and "that proposed by Senator Obama", I set forth that there is a difference between "Obama's regulation proposals" and "socialism".

    And, just to expound on a case you brought up regarding regulation, the truly concerning thing, big picture wise, is that they single-handedly caused the California blackout crises during the time that the commodities were deregulated (i.e., no laws were enforcing them...). Enron gladly stepped in, profited as much as they could, and then backed off when they were re-regulated in 2001. Yeah, I am for the government putting companies in check and making sure that blackouts or energy crises are not caused by people who are simply looking to mess around with people to make a buck. If that makes me a socialist (or someone who maybe didn't understand the situation), then feel free to call me a socialist (or someone who doesn't understand complex situations).

    With all respect,

  10. #20
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    Default Re: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin

    Thak you Scott,

    I have a great deal of respect for you too. I think we shouldn't get too hung up on the labels. After all a great deal of basic socialist philosophy has been accepted in the Democratic Party Platform and accepted by many (prehaps most) Americans.

    When I was young Bob Dylan sang "the times they are achangin". Now that my generation is letting go and a new generation taking over the leadership of my country I need to remind myself tha things will keep changing, politically evolving, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

    With admiration for youthful elan,

    "El verdadero objectivo de la vida no es el destino final, si no disfrutar el camino."

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