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Thread: Murdering the English language

  1. #11
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Hola Diego, ya veo. No, simplemente era llamar la atención sobre el hilo tan divertido.

    Es que no son horas, por aquí son más de la una....

    Bueno, BUENAS NOCHES!!

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CarlosRoberto
    Hola a todos y todas:

    Quiero compartir con ustedes varias perlas del idioma inglés que una amiga mía acaba de enviarme y que me hicieron soltar varias gustosas carcajadas. Como decimos por acá, en todos lados se cuecen habas.


    Dear Abby: Having just read your column about how some people murder the English language, here are some examples taken from actual letters received by the local welfare department in applications for support:
    1.“I am forwarding my marriage certificate and six children. I had seven, but one died which was baptized on a half sheet of paper”
    2.“Mrs Jones has not had any clothes for a year and half and has been visited regularly by the clergy”
    3.“ I am glad to report that my husband who is missing, is dead”
    4.“I am very annoyed to find that your brand my son illeterate. This is a dirty lie, as I was married a week before he was borne”
    5.“Please find out for certain if my husband is dead? The man I am living with can’t eat or do anything until he knows”
    6.“I am forwarding my marriage certificate and three children, one of which is a mistake as you can see”
    7.“My husband got his project cut off two weeks ago, and I haven’t had any relief since”
    8.“Unless I get my husband’s money pretty soon, I will be forced to live an immortal life”
    9.“You have changed my little boy to a girl, will this make a difference?”
    10.“I have no children as yet as my husband is a truck driver and works day and night”
    11. “I want money quick as I can get it. I have been in bed with the doctor for two weeks, and he doesn’t do me any good”

    LILIAN ARMET (Age 80)
    Far Rockaway, N.Y.
    That's hilarious Carlos Roberto. I have read some insurance claims that are just as funny. I'll try to find them and post them

  3. #13
    Forum User Fabianea's Avatar
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    Default Re: Murdering the English language

    Very funny post indeed.

    Thanks for sharing,


  4. #14
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    Default Re: Murdering the English language

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    Bueno Sandra...it took me a minute to get it but I did. The funny thing is that you would expect such writings to be written by people who are learning the language, not native speakers. Yo recuerdo cuando empezé a estudiar el español me avisaron que si quisiera ordenar la plata huevos rancheros (un requísimo plato Mexicano) que no diga huevos de los rancheros!

    Por favor, corríjan los erróres!
    LOL! I embarassed a young waitress in Colorado one time by asking her to explain the difference between Bull fries and Cowboy fries.

  5. #15
    Forum User aleCcowaN's Avatar
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    Default Re: Murdering the English language

    Hilarious! About #11, my granny would have said "¿Médicos? ¡Médicos eran los de antes!".

    People who like this sort of things will find this the sort of thing they like.

    But nobody got so embarrassed as that young exchange student who, while hearing everybody saying "me encanta la ternera" and "prefiero la pavita", dared to say "me gusta la carne de..." expressing his fondness for chicken, by choosing the wrong gender!

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