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Thread: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

  1. #11
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    Hola Vicente

    They are not snow peas. Snow peas or sugar peas are flat and do not develope into the round size of a sweet pea.
    Agregue una foto de unas snow peas para evitar confusiones. Nunca dije que las de la foto de PIM eran snow peas, solamente quise hacer referencia a una variedad más pequeña a manera de información adicional.

    Por cierto que sugar peas or sugar snap peas no son iguales a las snow peas pues constituyen otra variedad que no son tan planas como las snow peas pero tampoco tan redondas como las green peas.

    Sugar snap peas are a cross between snow and English peas...

    Snap peas, also known as sugarsnap peas,... differ from snow peas in that their pods are round as opposed to flat.

    Ciertamente sweet peas es muy común, aunque resulta curioso que al hacer la búsqueda en Google siempre aparezca la mata sweet pea y no las de la foto de PIM.


  2. #12
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    Es increible la variedad de chauchas que estoy descubriendo con cada post! Creo que a medida que contestan estoy un poco mas mareada! ..............

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    This is definitely a "green pea" or "garden pea"

    Here in Argentina I would call that "una arveja"
    and for me chaucha would be "green bean" or "runner bean"

    What a bean muddle!

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    "Ciertamente sweet peas es muy común, aunque resulta curioso que al hacer la búsqueda en Google siempre aparezca la mata sweet pea y no las de la foto de PIM."

    Not everything can be found in dictionaries or on the internet. Sometimes you have to rely on actual humans to tell you.

    Here's what a sugar or snow pea looks like:

    Dwf Gray Sugar Pea Seeds and Plants, Vegetable Seeds at Burpee.com=

    Here are sweet peas, green peas and garden peas...all the same thing.

    These same little peas are also known by other other names, depending on the region of the US or the company that cans them or the way they are prepared.
    Last edited by vicente; 12-20-2011 at 11:46 AM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    "Ciertamente sweet peas es muy común, aunque resulta curioso que al hacer la búsqueda en Google siempre aparezca la mata sweet pea y no las de la foto de PIM."

    Not everything can be found in dictionaries or on the internet. Sometimes you have to rely on actual humans to tell you.
    Creo que no captaste la intención de mi comentario a pesar de lo directo que es. Parafraseo entonces, dije que me llamaba la atención el hecho de que a pesar de lo común que es la frase sweet peas, al hacer la búsqueda en imágenes Google lo que aparece es la mata y no por ejemplo las latas de sweet peas.

    Estoy en desacuerdo contigo con respecto a la Internet pues creo que sí se consigue de todo.

    Es cierto que a veces tenemos que tomar la palabra de humanos sobretodo como es el caso de PIM que es quien tiene la duda. Por mi parte, en este caso confío en mi propio conocimiento pues he vivido tanto en los EEUU como en GB y en ambos he tenido que ir a supermercado a comprar Pisum sativum, o sea, Guisantes verdes, Guisante, Arveja, Arvejas, Chícharo, Chícharos.

  6. #16
    PIM is offline
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    Amigos foristas, Green - Garden y Sweet peas son las que conozco como arvejas, las cuales claramente no soy chauchas.
    Al comentario de en Internet se encuentra de todo, es totalmente cierto, se encuentra lo que esta bien y lo que no esta, por este motivo es que en el foro podemos hacer consultas para sacarnos de la duda de lo que previamente buscamos en internet.
    Gracias Cotty por considerarme humano, a veces no lo parezco pero lo soy! jajaj
    Con tanta chaucha y arvejas dando vueltas me parece que en estas fiestas voy a preparar una ensalada para recibir a los invitados!

  7. #17
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    Querida PIM

    Sabes que me encantan tus preguntas pues siempe generan intercambios interesantes ya sea en temas culturales o generales
    Amigos foristas, Green - Garden y Sweet peas son las que conozco como arvejas, las cuales claramente no soy chauchas.
    Por lo que deduzco las chauchas son lo que en Col. le dicen habichuelas y en Vz. le decimos vainitas y en Ing. green beans, string beans, French beans. El problema está en que en tu pregunta inicial, colocaste una foto de arvejas y no de vainitas, así que yo contesté en base a la foto y no al nombre de chaucha pues no significa nada para mí.

    Gracias Cotty por considerarme humano, a veces no lo parezco pero lo soy! jajaj
    Claro que lo pareces y además un ser humano con variados intereses. Debe ser muy divertido irse a tomar un café contigo. Pero el comentario no iba dirigido a ti que eras la OP sino a Vicente pues él dijo:

    Not everything can be found in dictionaries or on the internet. Sometimes you have to rely on actual humans to tell you.

    Lo importante es que creo que ya saliste de tus dudas léxicas!!!

    Last edited by Cotty; 12-20-2011 at 02:31 PM.

  8. #18
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    Gracias por estar atenta y responder, ahora con todas las aclaraciones, ilustraciones y comentarios adicionales me quedo muchisimo mas claro. Habichuelas lo he escuchado en mas de una película extranjera pero nunca supe a que estaba haciendo referencia! jajajj
    Trato de hacer post un poco fuera de lo comun, (sin tanta formalidad ......me refiero!!) para "romper" con la rigidez del dia a dia, es una pausa entre segmentos!
    Que tengas buena semana!

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Como se dice CHAUCHA en ingles??

    "Las de la foto de PIM se llaman green peas en Am. Eng. (también baby peas o spring peas si son muy tiernas) y garden peas o English peas en Brit. Eng. y petit pois en Fr.

    Las pequeñas que se comen dentro de la cáscara (vaina) se llaman snow peas.

    Sweet pea es una mata con flores."

    I understood what you wrote very clearly. What your intention was is debatable.

    The OP was about a picture of a sweet pea. In your post you called it everything but a sweet pea. The ommission of sweet pea in your list suggested that you did not know. You also posted that the small ones were snow peas, suggesting that snow peas are green peas or sweet peas in the hull.

    Furthermore, you posted that sweet pea was a mata which had nothing to do with the subject post and failed to acknowledge that sweet pea is also another name for a green pea and you might have even been contradicting those of us who called the item in the photo a sweet pea.

    I think you should be more careful about relying on the fact that you have lived in the US and GB when you are arguing with a native speaker. If I had lived in Venezuela or any other country for 50 years I would never presume to know more about their language than a native.

    From previous experience I suspect that you just like to disagree with whatever I post, if possible. Do you do that with anybody else or is it just me?

  10. #20
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    I would never address anyone in this manner were it not for the fact that I need to respond to your public accusations which I find unfair and uncalled for.

    You read a lot into what I write that's not explicitly said on my posts. You assume a lot and as I said before, you constantly feel attacked.

    The ommission of sweet pea in your list suggested that you did not know.
    I knew it.

    You also posted that the small ones were snow peas, suggesting that snow peas are green peas or sweet peas in the hull.
    They are the same family. I said, it was additional info.

    Furthermore, you posted that sweet pea was a mata which had nothing to do with the subject post and failed to acknowledge that sweet pea is also another name for a green pea and you might have even been contradicting those of us who called the item in the photo a sweet pea.
    I never contradicted anyone. I said it was weird that when you looked it up on Google images you got a plant with flowers and not the actual peas. Also bear in mind that sweet pea (no "s") is the plant and sweet peas (with "s") are the seeds inside the pods.

    I think you should be more careful about relying on the fact that you have lived in the US and GB when you are arguing with a native speaker. If I had lived in Venezuela or any other country for 50 years I would never presume to know more about their language than a native.
    I was never arguing with anyone —much less with you because you can't handle it. For some unknown reason you felt I was arguing with you. The way you would act if you had lived 50 years in Vzla. is entirely up to you. I don't presume I know more than native speakers about either language—those are your words not mine. However, having studied both languages formally for many years, and being a teacher of both languages for 25 years has given me an above average knowledge on both languages. Aside from the fact that I was married for 30 yrs. to an Englishman who didn't speak Spanish. Are you even that old? This is not a hobby for me: teaching and studying Eng/Sp. is what I do for a living.

    I don't see why I should explain and/or deffend myself in every post that you feel the need to accuse me of things just because you think your word is sacred and find other viewpoints offensive.

    From previous experience I suspect that you just like to disagree with whatever I post...
    I have zero idea where these feelings come from. I think you are being paranoid. I am not following you from post to post as you suggest; it just happens that we have contributed in the same questions by chance. I don't see jwolrey, geegolygosh, or anyone else for that matter complaining that I didn't include sweet peas on my list of possible words for peas and thus I must have something against them.

    As I said in another post where you were whining and accusing me of having something personal against you, please take all this paranoid pettiness into private messages. And kindly refrain from addressing my comments from now on. I will in turn do the same.

    Please focus in the help that we are trying to provide here. May I remind you that a forum is a place for people to exchange knowledge, ideas and points of view. No one really has the final word. In essence, what's important is that the people that ask the Qs get enough input to solve their problem.
    Last edited by Cotty; 12-21-2011 at 05:30 PM.

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