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Thread: oily bilge water

  1. #1
    Forum User Marlene's Avatar
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    Default oily bilge water

    Hola! Estoy con un documento un poco técnico y quería saber si alguien podía ayudarme con el significado de "oily bilge water". Les paso el contexto:

    The design of *** eliminates the need for flocculants and chemical additives to remove the emulsified oily bilge water.

    Gracias colegas!!

  2. #2
    Uma is offline
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    "Oily bilge water" refers to water accumulated in part of the ship's hull. It could be translated as "aguas oleosas de sentina" or simply "aguas de sentina".

  3. #3
    Forum User Marlene's Avatar
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    Default oily bilge water

    Thanks Uma! Your explanation was really helpful.

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