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Thread: Possible meanings for "cycle"

  1. #1
    New Member superandyandy's Avatar
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    Default Possible meanings for "cycle"

    Hello everyone, I've been translating an CIE standard about battery tests, and I came across a word that I don't quite know how to interpret. You see, the norm says that one shoud "cycle" the battery on a battery analyser, but I can't find the right word in spanish for "cycle".
    For example: "The DUT’s lithium iron phosphate battery is cycled on a battery analyser" and also "Charge-discharge cycle the battery"

    I'm aware that cycle means "ciclo" literally, but it can also mean "alternación - época - era - estadio - etapa - fase - hilo - período - secuencia - serie - sucesión - tanda - tiempo - turno" but none of these meanings help me to make sense of these sentences.

    Hope you can help me
    Best regards.

  2. #2
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Possible meanings for "cycle"


    Maybe it's about "recharging" the battery, I mean, fixing it with the right "life cycle".

    Here's some info from Apple: Basically, power cycling is simply taking your device (MacBook Pro) and charge it to 100%.

    Source: Apple

  3. #3
    New Member superandyandy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Possible meanings for "cycle"

    Thank you so much, it makes a lot more sense if I use it as "recharge"

  4. #4
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Possible meanings for "cycle"

    I'm glad I could help!

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