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Thread: Spanish MRI

  1. #1
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    Default Spanish MRI

    I need help with an MRI in spanish. It says El presente estudio se realiza en paciente con antecedente quirurgico de colocacion de barras de fijacion a nivel de la columna vertebral, en la que se identifica la presencia de cambios en la intensidad a nivel del borde inferior del cuerpo vertebral de L4 y el borde superior del cuerpo vertebral de L5, asociados a imagen de intensidad de intermedio durante la secuencia dependiente de T1, que se incrementa durante la secuencia dependiente de T2, localizado en el espacio eppidural haica la derecha, mencionandose que en esta topografia de los cuerpos vertebrales y de la lesion previamente descrita existe una importante captacion del material de contraste, lo que pudiera correponder con proceso inflamatorio, debiendo ser correlacionado con la evolucion de la paciente, asi como la cronologia del evento quirurgico. The words I am struggling with are NIVEL and PREVIAMENTE DESCRITA EXISTE UNA IMPORTANTE CAPTACION.

  2. #2
    Forum User ForumMD's Avatar
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    If the word you are looking for is NIVEL, I would write that phrase like this: The study was done in a patient that had, as a surgical background, a fixation bar implanted (or placed) in the spine-dorsal column.
    And the other phrase: ... and the previously mentioned lesion gains an important amount of contrast material.

    Hope it helps

  3. #3
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    Thank you that does help.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Hi Ginger !! As a second optionm I would use the term "surgical history" instead of "background". Also, given that contrast material is an element of medical imaging that provides visualization, the use of the word "capture" seems appropriate. I would translate the sentences as : “the lesion described above gives rise to a significant capture of contrast material".

    Hope it helps
    Last edited by Hebe; 03-12-2008 at 09:37 AM.

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