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Thread: Conscious pain

  1. #1
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    Default Conscious pain

    Hola a todos,

    Cómo traducirían "concious pain" al español??


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Conscious pain

    Quote Originally Posted by ludmilak View Post
    Hola a todos,

    Cómo traducirían "concious pain" al español??

    Textualmente se traduciría "Dolor consciente" pero creo que depende del contexto, ya que podría hace alusión a otra cosa. ¿Como dice la oración completa?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Conscious pain

    Quote Originally Posted by ludmilak View Post
    Hola a todos,

    Cómo traducirían "concious pain" al español??

    Se necesita el parrafo para poder opinar mejor.

    Podria ser que la oracion ni siquiera se refiera al dolor sino mas bien a un problema.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Conscious pain

    Hola CaliforniaMan,

    Se trata de una Complaint (Demanda).

    "Plaintiff's damages consist of (...) conscious pain and suffering"

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Conscious pain

    Quote Originally Posted by ludmilak View Post
    Hola CaliforniaMan,

    Se trata de una Complaint (Demanda).

    "Plaintiff's damages consist of (...) conscious pain and suffering"

    Maybe it is a legal term then?

    I don't understand the difference between conscious pain and non-conscious pain.

  6. #6
    New Member bunderlai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conscious pain

    Yes, it is definitely a legal term. For example:
    Your client is walking across a busy street in the crosswalk, when a delivery van driver—behind schedule—whips around the corner and strikes her. She is pinned under the van for 20 minutes, during which time onlookers describe her as “conscious, but in shock.” When she is finally transported to the hospital, she arrives unconscious, spends three days in a coma and then, sadly, dies. Did she suffer conscious pain and suffering, and, if so, how do you prove it? So, legally, is the client entitled to compensation for conscious pain during those 3 days she was unconscious? Pretty complicated but, again, legal terminology.
    Maybe "dolor consciente" with an explanation of the legal implications that you may need to add?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Conscious pain

    Quote Originally Posted by bunderlai View Post
    Yes, it is definitely a legal term. For example:
    Your client is walking across a busy street in the crosswalk, when a delivery van driver—behind schedule—whips around the corner and strikes her. She is pinned under the van for 20 minutes, during which time onlookers describe her as “conscious, but in shock.” When she is finally transported to the hospital, she arrives unconscious, spends three days in a coma and then, sadly, dies. Did she suffer conscious pain and suffering, and, if so, how do you prove it? So, legally, is the client entitled to compensation for conscious pain during those 3 days she was unconscious? Pretty complicated but, again, legal terminology.
    Maybe "dolor consciente" with an explanation of the legal implications that you may need to add?

    I can try ....

    "Plaintiff's damages consist of (...) conscious pain and suffering"

    Los daños sufridos por el demandante consisten (entre otros) en dolor y sufrimiento mientras estuvo consciente, etc etc...

    Providing a footnote explanation may not be a bad idea, especially if the target audience is not in a jurisdiction where common law is followed. The concept of tort may have different meaning or may not exist in other jurisdictions.

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