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Thread: medical events

  1. #1
    Contributing User
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    Default medical events

    Hola a todos!
    Necesito ayuda con la taducción de "medication events". El contexto es un aviso en una aplicación para celulares para obtener información sobre el uso de píldoras:
    "Prevent medication events one scan at a time!"
    Muchas gracias!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: medical events

    This is a poor use of English from the Ap Developer. Itg sounds to me as if they are trying to say ¨side effects¨ (sobreafectos) rather than medication events. I find that when persons of Asian origin translate things to English or another language they are very literal in their translation. A medication event, generally would refer to a side effect. The only other possibility would be the time of a dose of a medication being due to be administered or applied.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: medical events

    Sí. Es lo que me pareció. También en Internet se encuentra "adverse **** event" con referencia a efectos inesperados, además de secundarios. Pero todo parece indicar que el original se refería a los efectos secundarios de los medicamentos.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: medical events

    My pleasure, ignacior. And, by the way, if you know of anyone looking for translations, PLEASE have them get in touch with me. I do not have certification as a translator, but, I do have degrees in law and health which really helps! THANKS!

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