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Thread: "Drop-Off Service"?

  1. #1
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    Default "Drop-Off Service"?

    We're preparing some promotional material for a local laundromat (lavanderia). They offer what is called a "drop-off service" in which customers can drop off their laundry - the store will then process the laundry (wash, dry & fold it) and then prepare a bundle for customer pick up.

    This service is distinct and different from a laundry which offers "pickup & drop-off service" in which the store comes to your home (or apartment) and literally picks up the laundry, takes it back to their facility for processing, then drops off the finished bundle back at your place of residence.

    The store owners want to make very sure that customers do not confuse the 2 kinds of service, as the store provides only the first kind (as described in the first paragraph, above).

    Of course, the phrase needs to be short & catchy, too!

    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide..


  2. #2
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    Default Re: "Drop-Off Service"?

    There's a laundromat down here in Tijuana that does that, they have a sign that reads "Nosotros lavamos su ropa". that's it.

    This place is one of those "self serve" token and coin places. That's all they needed, I know for a fact they have their hands full, and It's not a new or a small business.

    Good luck

  3. #3
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    Default Re: "Drop-Off Service"?

    In Spanish the home delivery service is called "Servicio a domicilio", that is different from any translation of "Drop-off service", so it would be very difficult to confuse the kind of service .

    Short and catchy? Try:

    "¡Deje aquí su ropa!"
    "Aqui se la lavamos"

    Not so catchy,

    "Servicio de lavanderia"

  4. #4
    PIM is offline
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    Default Re: "Drop-Off Service"?

    Self Service Laundry is a facility where clothes are washed and dried. In the United Kingdom as launderettes or laundrettes
    Some laundries employ staff to provide service for the customers. Minimal service centres may simply provide an attendant behind a counter to provide change, sell washing powder, and watch unattended machines for potential theft of clothing. do not!! Others allow customers to drop off clothing to be washed, dried, and folded. This is often referred to as Fluff & Fold, Wash-n-Fold, bachelor bundles, a service wash or full-service wash. Some staffed laundry facilties also provide dry cleaning pick-up and drop-off. There are over 35,000 laundries throughout the United States

  5. #5
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    Default Re: "Drop-Off Service"?

    I would say "Traiga su ropa para lavar" and the other would be "Retiro y entrega a domicilio".

    The first one (drop off) is commonly called "Servicio de valet" at least in Argentina.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: "Drop-Off Service"?

    They would think it's boring. And you do want them to come back next time and spend their money on your event.

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