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Thread: 12 phrases that i have no idea how to translate to spanish....help!

  1. #11
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CarlosRoberto
    "Brick and mortar" podría traducirse como "físicos", en oposición a "virtuales":

    Brick and mortar businesses - Empresas físicas.
    Me has dejado estupefacta. Nunca hubiera pensado esto, Carlos (y Verónica). Pensé que te habías confundido y lo busqué:
    In the jargon of eCommerce, brick and mortar businesses are companies which have a physical presence (for example, a building made of bricks and mortar) - which offer face-to-face consumer experiences
    Eso realmente es jerga .

    Enhorabuena. Una frase hecha así era difícil de ver si no se sabe del tema.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Gabriel's Avatar
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    Default Re: 12 phrases that i have no idea how to translate to spanish....help!

    Brick and mortar es "tener presencia física"

  3. #13
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    Default Re: 12 phrases that i have no idea how to translate to spanish....help!

    "Gateway city" tiene doble sentido.

    gateway city. 1. A city that serves as a departure or arrival point for international flights. 2. A city that serves as an airline's entry or departure point to or from a country.

    En este sentido "Gateway city" = "hub city" = "Ciudad centro de interconexión de vuelos."


    En este otro sentido, "History of Minneapolis, gateway to the Northwest,"

    "Gateway city" = "Ciudad puerta." Así Cádiz es conocida como "La puerta del Atlántico" y Minneapolis sería "la puerta del noroeste estadounidense."

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