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Thread: “protection Of Data"

  1. #1
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    Default “protection Of Data"

    Buenas tardes,
    una empresa de protección de datos me ha enviado esta traducción para que la firmen los clientes cuando llegan al hotel. A mí la verdad es que hay partes que me suenan bastante mal, no se si porque usa ingles formal o porque directamente esta mal. Si le pudierais echar un vistazo y corregirlo os lo agradecería mucho. Gracias


    According to the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December, one inquires to him that the personal data that are asked for to him are necessary for the management of their stays in the hotel and the commercial contact.
    The person in charge of the file is , whose address the present appears in document being able the signer to exert the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in the terms established in the organic law of protection of data and other complementary norm.
    The guest approves that can make a photocopy of the ID to manage and formalize the accomodation of the guest in the hotel to avoid innecesay waitings in the reception of the hotel. The photocopy will be destroyed when it will not be necessary at all.
    The signer specifically authorizes this treatment, as well as the strictly necessary cessions for the fulfilment of the service, among them the obligatory communication to the bodies and forces of security of the state under protection of organic law 1/1992 on citizen protection, like the cessions to other societies related to any type of activity that supplies the hotel, always in the terms anticipated in the indicated law”.

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: “protection Of Data"

    Balbi, ¿por qué corregirlo si está hecha por la empresa misma?

    No nos vengas con cuentos. ...No tengo paciencia para esto.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: “protection Of Data"

    Muchas gracias exxcentrica. Sinceramente no se de que vas. Yo solo pedia que alguien con mejor nivel de ingles que el mio lo leyera y dijera que tal le parecia porque a mi me suena raro, si tu no quieres hacerlo pues no lo hagas y punto pero los comentarios bordes yo creo que sobran. Los de la empresa de protección de datos no tiene porque saber hablar ingles...

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