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Thread: British Parliament and some words in First Among Equals

  1. #1
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    Cool British Parliament and some words in First Among Equals

    Hello, I would need help with the following words and phrases i found in te book First Among Equals, PLEAAAAAAAASE!
    • So far i could identify 2 political parties: Labour and Conservatory. Is there any other??
    • I associate the word "tory" with the conservatory party, is that right?
    • some words im not sure what they mean: Shadow Chancellor; Shadow Cabinet
    • Regarding the possition or political role of the Minister of State. Is it like a second Prime Minister?
    i appreciate immensely any help on this topic.

    Thank you so much!!


  2. #2
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    Default Re: British Parliament and some words in First Among Equals

    Tory, pl. Tories en la política de Gran Bretaña significa a secas, conservador.

    En la historia de los Estados Unidos, significó realista, personas que durante la guerra de la independencia favorecían a Inglaterra.

    Toryism es conservadurismo, la doctrina del partido conservador de Inglaterra.
    Last edited by Benilde Moreno; 06-04-2009 at 06:44 PM.

  3. #3
    Forum User copelandci's Avatar
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    Default Re: British Parliament and some words in First Among Equals

    You are correct in the two parties, and in your interpretation of Tory, to a point, in the US it referred to people who favored England during the revolutionary war, so yes they would be the more conservative to England.
    Last edited by Administrator; 07-01-2009 at 04:15 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: British Parliament and some words in First Among Equals

    The Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer in the British Parliamentary system is the member of the Shadow Cabinet who is responsible for shadowing the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The title is in the gift of the Leader of the Opposition but is informal. The Shadow Chancellor has no constitutional role.
    The name for the position has a mixed history. It is used to designate the lead economic spokesman (VOCERO - no oficial - DE LOS ASUNTOS ECONÓMICOS ó Vocero de los asuntos económicos -sin más) for the Opposition, although some Shadow Cabinets have not used the term (the Thatcher Shadow Cabinet, for example). As a consequence of this and of the rise of the Liberal Democrats (who now claim the title themselves) the term is used interchangeably with 'Economic Spokesman' for both parties.
    This confusion has been a source of humour for the previous Chancellor of the ExchequerGordon Brown, who has played the two off against one another in Parliament.
    I, too, have a great deal of time for the shadow Chancellor who resides in Twickenham, rather than the shadow Chancellor for the Conservative party.
    The current Shadow Chancellor is George OsborneMP. However, Vince Cable also claims the title for the Liberal Democrats, a trend started under his predecessor, Matthew Taylor.


    There you go.

    Shadow: an inseparable companion or follower b: one (as a spy or detective) that shadows
    Last edited by Benilde Moreno; 06-04-2009 at 06:38 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: British Parliament and some words in First Among Equals

    Every Minister of State has a different role. For Instance:

    Ministro ó Secretario de Gobierno (Usualmente denominado Primer Ministro, figura que hace las veces de Presidente en aquel país donde aún existe la Monarquía, en el resto, aunque sigue siendo la figura preponderante entre los secretarios de estado, sigue siendo uno más de los ministros de estado. Luego el Primer Ministro, es a su vez un Ministro de Estado)
    Ministro ó Secretario de Hacienda Pública
    Ministro ó Secretario de Finanzas
    Ministro ó Secretario de Comercico
    Ministro ó Secretario de Ganadería / Pesca / Agricultura, etc.
    Ministro ó Secretario de Transportes / de Comunicaciones, etc.
    Ministro o Secretario de Educación y/o Cultura

    Todos estos cargos son Ministerios de Estado.

    Please disregard my Spanglish. Ciao

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