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Thread: Alguien que me puede traducir este contrato porfavor...

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default Alguien que me puede traducir este contrato porfavor...

    In consideration of the respective covenants contained herein, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, agree as follows:

    1. Licensing
    The Artist agrees to license the track to the Purchaser for a length of __5__(Five) years starting from “Signed Date” stated above. Afterward, the “Purchaser” may request to lengthen the contract with a new agreement.
    2. Region and Territories
    The “Region” in which the Purchaser may sell the Artist(s) tracks are as follows; World Wide. (hereinafter referred to as “Global”).
    3. Release Date
    Within 3 month after signed contract (download), otherwise the rights getting back directly to Artist and the contract is canceled.
    4. Agreement to Copy written material
    Artist agrees that all of the materials provided to the Purchaser are original works of the said Artist, or that the Artist has been granted the clearance of the copy written material from the original Artist. The Artist will be liable for any copyright infringement on their part.
    5. Term and Cancellation
    This Agreement is in effect until written cancellation by the Purchaser or until the end date of said contract . Cancellation must be made with at least 14 days notice by the Purchaser to the Artist before the contract is fulfilled. If the Materials that this agreement is made upon are found online, uploaded, distributed, copied, broad casted or circulated without the Purchasers knowledge and consent the Purchaser may cancel and nullify this contract as he/she sees fit.

    6. Artist Fee/Payment
    Purchaser agrees to pay Artist or his/her agent a fee of $0 for the Materials. Artist fee shall be paid in money order or bank check. An initial $0 deposit is due upon execution of this contract. The remaining $0 payment must be made prior to Release Date.
    The payments of purchaser fees shall be made together with the rendering of the statements within sixty days following the end of June and December each year.
    7. Royalty Rate
    The Purchaser agrees to pay the artist a Royalty Rate of 50% per Digital Download, 50% per record, 50% per CD and 50% per Mixed Compilation.Purchaser shall pay to Artist a license fee of: Royalty rate: 50% over 100%, net income from mp3.Third parts royalty deals, 50% over 100% net receipts.
    7. Online Distribution
    Purchaser is granted the rights to use third party online distributors to sell the Materials online. At times the third party sites may offer the Artist track as a promotional copy, or as a free download. No royalties will be paid for this service as it falls under promotional advertisement for said Artist.
    8. Third Party Rights
    The Purchaser is given the right by the Artist to sub license the Materials. The Purchaser will provide written notice to the Artist within 2 (two) weeks prior to agreements with Third Party contracts.
    9. Recording, Reproduction or Transmission of Performance
    Artist will use its best efforts to prevent the recording, reproduction or transmission of the Materials without the written permission of the Purchaser.
    10. Taxes
    Purchaser agrees to prepare and file all tax information required of a person who hires an independent contractor and the Artist agrees that they have sole responsibility for the payment of any federal or state taxes arising from the monies paid by Purchaser to the Artist for the Materials.
    11. Independent Contractor
    Artist acknowledges that they shall perform their obligations hereunder as an independent contractor and not as an employee of Purchaser. Artist further acknowledges that they are not on Purchaser's payroll and social security or tax withholding rolls.
    12. Promotion
    Purchaser shall be entitled to advertise and promote the Materials of the Artist. Artist acknowledges that Purchaser will rely on the terms hereof in all such promotions. Artist hereby acknowledges and agrees that Purchaser may use their name, photographs, likeness, facsimile signature and any other promotional materials in all of such promotions, advertising or other activities used to increase sales of the Materials.

    13. Remixing Agreement
    The Purchaser has the right to have the original Materials from said Artist remixed or re-edited at the Purchaser discretion. The Artist agrees to provide any music, samples or midi information with Purchaser to facilitate this process.
    14. Material Format
    The Artist must provide a non compressed format of the Material to the Purchaser at time of this Agrement signing. A “WAV” or “AIFF” format is the only acceptable audio format.
    15. Statements
    Royalty statements shall be sent semi-annually within sixty days following the end of June and December of each year for the immediately preceding half year period.


  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alguien que me puede traducir este contrato porfavor...

    Hi DjBeat! Welcome to the forum!
    it's a very good joke! Thanks for sharing!
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  3. #3
    Forum User walterzev's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Re: Alguien que me puede traducir este contrato porfavor...

    I don`t think it is proper to ask for the translation of a whole contract or a text this long.

    We are here to help each other in difficult terms, doubts, but not to do your job or get you a free translation.

    You should hire a translator.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alguien que me puede traducir este contrato porfavor...

    I agree with Walter, well said!!

  5. #5
    Forum User pames's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alguien que me puede traducir este contrato porfavor...

    I agree 100% with all of you guys!!

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Alguien que me puede traducir este contrato porfavor...

    Walter`s right. You can try to do the translation yourself and we can help you by correcting it.



  7. #7
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alguien que me puede traducir este contrato porfavor...

    Quote Originally Posted by SandraT
    Hi DjBeat! Welcome to the forum!
    it's a very good joke! Thanks for sharing!
    wonderful answer!

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    Question Re: Alguien que me puede traducir este contrato porfavor...

    Supongo que pagas por la traducción, no...?

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