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Thread: this is my version

  1. #1
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    Default this is my version


    Article 1: Natural Judge, previous trial. Presumption of innocence. “Non bis in idem”. Nobody will be judged by other judges but those appointed in accordance with the Constitution and competent according to its regulation laws. Nobody will be punished without previous trial based on a previous law to the process of the event and substantiated in accordance with the regulations of this law. Nobody will be considered guilty provided that a final sentence doesn’t distort the presumption of innocence that every accused enjoys. Nobody will be chased criminally more than once for the same offense.
    Articulo 1: juez natural, juicio previo. presuncion de inocencia. "Non bis in dem". Nadie prodrá ser juzgado por otros jueces que los designados de acuerdo a la constitucion y competentes segun sus leyes reglamentarias, ni penado sin juicio previo fundado en ley anterior al hecho del proceso y sustanciado conforme a ls disposiciones de esta ley, ni considerado culpable mientras una sentencia firme no desvirtue la presunción de inocencia que todo imputado goza, ni perseguido penalmente más de una vez por el mismo hecho.
    Article 282: Summons. When the offense being investigated is not subject to imprisonment, or it is fair a sentence of conditional execution, the judge, except cases of FLAGRANCIA, will order the appearance of the accused by subpoena./summon CITACION SIMPLE.
    If the accused did not appear in the period determined and did not justify a legitimate impediment, his arrest will be ordered.
    Articulo 282: citacion. Cuando el delito que se investigue no este reprimido con pena privativa de la libertad o parezca procedente una condena de ejecución condicional,el juez salvo los casos de flagrancia, ordenara la comparecencia del imputado por simple citación.

    Article 283: Arrest. Except for what has been stipulated in the previous article, the judge will pass an order of detention for the accused to be taken before him, as long as his appearance merits to take statement.
    Articulo 283: arresto. salvo lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior, el juez librará orden de detencion para que el imputado sea llevado a su presencia, siempre que haya motivo para recibirle indagatoria.

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diegonel

    Article 1: Natural Judge, previous trial. Presumption of innocence. “Non bis in idem”. No one shall be judged by other judges but those appointed by law of Constitution and competent according to its statutory laws. No punishment or sentence will be imposed without previous trial based on a previous law to the process of the event and substantiated in accordance with the regulations of this law. Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law. No one shall be prosecuted more than once for the same offense.
    I agree with you: muy difiiiicil!!

    Ya tienes el primer párrafo, espero que te ayude.

  3. #3
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    gracias nuevamente,

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