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Thread: Ayuda con este parrafo por favor...

  1. #1
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    Default Ayuda con este parrafo por favor...

    Hola necesito ayuda con este párrafo...no hay manera de traducirlo no se si soy yo que estoy ya saturada o que..de todos modos si alguien me puede ayudar se lo agradecería muchisimo:
    el contexto es:
    An appeal against de Master's order of a stay on the basis that it should have been refused on discretionary grounds was dismissed by XXXX, but the report does not deal with merits of this fround. Recourse to the unreported reasons for judgment, 57/1969, shows, howerver, that XXXX, while satisfied on the affidavit evidence that medical examinations were disturbing to the plaintiff and that he became apprehnesive, restless and introspective for seveal days before and after such an examination, found that there was no other undue detriment likely to accrue to him by reason of submitting to a further examination.
    Por favor solo necesito ayuda a partir de Recourse to the unreported....

    Gracias a todos!!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Hola diana: Primero tu traducción, luego te ayudamos.

  3. #3
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    Diana... Tal parece que estas saturada realmente. ¿Ayudaria si despejamos la estructura de lo que hay que traducir? Tal vez sea una salida intermedia antes que la respuesta anterior...

    "Recourse to the unreported reasons for judgment, 57/1969, shows, howerver, that XXXX, while satisfied on the affidavit evidence that medical examinations were disturbing to the plaintiff and that he became apprehnesive, restless and introspective for seveal days before and after such an examination, found that there was no other undue detriment likely to accrue to him by reason of submitting to a further examination."

    Recourse shows that XXXX found that (there were...)

    • "to the unreported reasons for judgment" gramaticalmente depende de Recourse; los numeros identifican al Recourse.
    • "while..." : *** was satisfied on the affidavit evidence (the evidence was that medical examinations were disturbing to the plaintiff); *** became apprehnesive, restless and introspective for seveal days before and after such an examination
    The Recourse shows that *** found that ...
    • "likely to accrue..." modificador de detriment
    Espero ayude...


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