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Thread: Divorce Decree - question

  1. #1
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    Question Divorce Decree - question

    I am working on the translation of my divorce decree from English to Spanish and I came across this paragrapgh:
    "Each party has remised, released and forever discharged and, by these presents, does himself and herself and his or her legal representatives, executors, administrators and assigns remise, release and forever discharge the other of and from all cause or causes of action, claims, rights or demands whatsoever in law or in equity, which each party hereto ever had or now has against the other, except any and all cause or causes of action for the dissolution of marriage or rights arising from this agreement."
    I would love some suggestions or ideas about how to go about it. I am completely lost with this one. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
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    Default Translation of divorce decree

    It must be very difficult to translate your own divorce decree. I think it might be a good idea to be edited by someone else.

    “Each party has remised, released and forever discharged and, by these presents, does himself and herself and his or her legal representatives, executors, administrators and assigns remise, release and forever discharge the other of and from all cause or causes of action, claims, rights or demands whatsoever in law or in equity, which each party hereto ever had or now has against the other, except any and all cause or causes of action for the dissolution of marriage or rights arising from this agreement.”

    Por el presente cada una de las partes renuncia, libera de responsabilidad y mantiene indemne a la otra parte y asimismo, sus representantes legales, albaceas testamentarios, administradores y cesionarios renuncian, liberan de responsabilidad y mantienen indemnes a los de la otra parte de todo tipo de acciones legales, reclamos, derechos o demandas entabladas en base al sistema legal o al de equidad, a las que las partes hayan tenido derecho en el pasado o a las que tengan derecho actualmente en contra de la otra parte, con excepción de las acciones legales por disolución de matrimonio o los derechos que surjan del presente Convenio.

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