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Thread: Summary Judgment

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Summary Judgment

    Necesito ayuda con la traducción de summary judgment.
    En el diccionario de cabanellas encontré esto:

    Senetencia emitida sin apertura de la causa a prueba, por no existir cuestiones de hecho debatidas.

    Sentencia basada en la demanda y su contestación y en los restantes escritos anteriores a la apertura de la causa a prueba.

    qué les parece?

    summary judgment
    n. a court order ruling that no factual issues remain to be tried and therefore a cause of action or all causes of action in a complaint can be decided upon certain facts without trial. A summary judgment is based upon a motion by one of the parties that contends that all necessary factual issues are settled or so one-sided they need not be tried. The motion is supported by declarations under oath, excerpts from depositions which are under oath, admissions of fact and other discovery, as well as a legal argument (points and authorities), that argue that there are no triable issues of fact and that the settled facts require a summary judgment for the moving party. The opposing party will respond by counter-declarations and legal arguments attempting to show that there are "triable issues of fact." If it is unclear whether there is a triable issue of fact in any cause of action, then summary judgment must be denied as to that cause of action. The theory behind the summary judgment process is to eliminate the need to try settled factual issues and to decide without trial one or more causes of action in the complaint. The pleading procedures are extremely technical and complicated and are particularly dangerous to the party against whom the motion is made.

  2. #2
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    Smile summary judgment

    Precisamente se trata de eso, es una sentencia en que se omite la recepción de la causa a prueba porque no existe controversia en cuanto a los hechos.

  3. #3
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    Default ...

    En Michoacán lo llamamos "Diligencias de Jurisdicción Voluntaria"

  4. #4
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    Default juicio sumario

    I believe the word is Spanish is Juicio Sumario.
    Last edited by Jozé Santos; 10-11-2006 at 12:28 PM.

  5. #5
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    Sí y no, la traducción literal es "Juicio sumario", pero la descripción nos remite a las "Diligencias de jurisdicción voluntaria"... me gustaría tener más contexto.

  6. #6
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    summary judgment

    fallo sumarial
    (según el Diccionario Jurídico de Alcaraz Varó y Hughes)

  7. #7
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    Para el derecho argentino sería "Sentencia en juicio sumario".

  8. #8
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    En las diligencias de jurisdicción voluntaria no hay NADA debatido: ni de hecho ni de derecho.

    Un summary judgement lo entiendo cuando lo único en disputa es el derecho,no los hechos.

    En todo caso, sería la sentencia que resuleve cuestiones de derecho.

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