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Thread: Looking to relocate to South America for a job in the investment industry. Help!!

  1. #1
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    Default Looking to relocate to South America for a job in the investment industry. Help!!

    I have been in the investment industry for 10 years as an equity research analyst on the institutional investment side of the street.

    I am trying to relocate to South America with a job with either one of the big pension funds or with an investment firm.

    I know that Argentina, Chile, and Brazil are more investment centers that the other countries, but am willing to relocate to other countries as well. (probably Colombia would be my #1 choice, but I do realize it's a smaller investment hub than other countries)

    My specialization is quantitative/risk research, but I also have experience performing fundamental analysis as well.

    I have a working knowledge of Spanish. English is my first language.

    Does anyone know of any websites that specialize in financial positions in South America (I have been to www.elempleo.com already).

    Or, any headhunters that specialize in these types of positions?

    Or, is anyone on these discussion boards in the investment industry?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    New Member pazdean's Avatar
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    Default Jobs

    Hello! you could take a look at:
    www.zonajobs.com.ar or www.bumeran.com.ar
    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    philmalik, this forum is for questions related to translations, it is not a job discussion board. I suggest you stick to the employment sites. Suerte!

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