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Thread: The spread on most majors

  1. #1
    Contributing User
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    Default The spread on most majors

    Hola chicos!
    No me aclaro con lo de "The spread on the most majors are some of the tightest in the industry.
    Agradeceria una aclaracion,ya que al no saber los terminos mi traduccion no esta bien.Un saludo Eva.

    The spread on most majors are some of the tightest in the industry. However, our spreads are variable and may result in change during high time of volatility in the market.
    Los diferenciales más importantes son algunos de los más estrechos en la industria

  2. #2
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    Iberia, dame mas informacion del articulo. De que mercado hablan? cual es la comparacion? entre paises? mercados? productos?

  3. #3
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    Default hola

    Pues se refiere al mercado de divisas.No consigo saber el que es the tightest?
    Un saludo,Eva.

  4. #4
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    Iberia, this is how I understand it, but again, I don't know the whole context. Hope it helps:

    The tighest means that they have the smallest spreads, the smallest margin of profitability and if they're trying to make money on the spread... they have very little room for error

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