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Thread: A few insurance and mortgage related terms...

  1. #1
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    Default A few insurance and mortgage related terms...

    In a recent effort to translate some claim monitoring documentation for a lender-placed insurance company that outsources to some big-name banks, I ran upon a few terms that were a little choppy. Maybe you could help... Such phrases included:

    "Insurance proceeds" and/or "Insurance proceeds check"

    "Restricted escrow" or "escrow" especially

    IRS terms, like "Backup withholding"


    To name a few. Any input?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Hi Adglife. Welcome to the Forum !!!!

    Let’s see if the terms I am going to suggest can help you out: Hopefully, you will be getting other inputs to ¿choose from

    "Restricted escrow" could be translated as “Fideicomiso con Cláusula de Restricción”

    Backup withholdings: could be translated as “retenciones de respaldo”.

    Disbursements could be translated as gastos or desembolsos

    Insurance proceeds: would be “Ganancias provenientes de seguros”

    Hope this helps

    Best regards

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  3. #3
    IUS is offline
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  4. #4
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    Hebe's choices are good, but still check out those dictionaries, they are really useful!

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