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Thread: Help: proofreading

  1. #1
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    Default Need urgently help!

    Hi guys,

    I have to send this article to my teacher. Can anyone help me with the errors?

    This dissertation aims to scrutinize the criterions of newsworthiness that cultural journalists of the Vila do Conde’s Letras cultural supplement use to choose the highlights of each issue. At a time when budget cuts at newspapers penalize the cultural sections, it is critically important to look for this type of journalism, highlighting its importance in the (in)formation of the readers. The desire to develop this theme arose from my internship that took place in Letras. The stage will also allow the critical thinking of a number of issues that arose during my time in Vila do Conde, of which highlights the presentation of the internal organization and work routines in the supplement, as well as critical comments from some reports developed by me, always trying to establish a bridge with the knowledge I acquired during a degree in Communication Sciences at the University of Coimbra. I will still look me in this first part, about the importance of a course in journalism for the profession and on how the internship programs of recent graduates in journalism are faced by media companies.
    Chapter II belongs entirely to the study of the criterions used by cultural journalists of Letras. The objective is to understand if the cultural journalism has some characteristic that distinguishes it from others in this field, thus contributing to the characterization of this kind of journalism in Portugal.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Guadalupe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need urgently help!

    Hi esousa!

    Here's my humble attempt...

    Below you will find words highlighted in purple: you should check their meaning or scope in order to see whether they are correct or not, or there's a best word within the context.

    In addition, I underlined sections that are not completely clear, and should therefore need rephrasing.

    Hope you find it useful!


    Quote Originally Posted by esousa
    Hi guys,

    I have to send this article to my teacher. Can anyone help me with the errors?

    This dissertation aims to scrutinize the criterions of newsworthiness that cultural journalists of the Vila do Conde’s Letras cultural supplement use to choose the highlights of each issue. At a time when budget cuts at newspapers penalize the cultural sections, it is critically important to look for this type of journalism, highlighting its importance in the (in)formation of the readers. The desire to develop this theme arose from my internship that took place in Letras. The stage will also allow the critical thinking of a number of issues that arose during my time in Vila do Conde, of which highlights the presentation of the internal organization and work routines in the supplement, as well as critical comments from some reports developed by me, always trying to establish a bridge with the knowledge I acquired during a degree in Communication Sciences at the University of Coimbra. I will still look me in this first part, about the importance of a course in journalism for the profession and on how the internship programs of recent graduates in journalism are faced by media companies.
    Chapter II belongs entirely to the study of the criterions used by cultural journalists of Letras. The objective is to understand if the cultural journalism has some characteristic that distinguishes it from others in this field, thus contributing to the characterization of this kind of journalism in Portugal.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need urgently help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Guadalupe
    Hi esousa!

    Here's my humble attempt...

    Below you will find words highlighted in purple: you should check their meaning or scope in order to see whether they are correct or not, or there's a best word within the context.

    In addition, I underlined sections that are not completely clear, and should therefore need rephrasing.

    Hope you find it useful!

    Additionally I would consider: supplement used to choose
    Letras (not understood from within this segment)
    The objective is to understand if [the] cultural journalism has some characteristic that distinguishes it from others in this field,

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Need urgently help!

    Overall, this is very good. I can offer a few suggestions. Pay close attention to these phrases: importance in the (in)formation of the readers ; I will still look me and The stage , as these are unclear to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by esousa
    Hi guys,

    I have to send this article to my teacher. Can anyone help me with the errors?

    This dissertation aims to scrutinize the criterions (criteria is the most common plural form...criterions is not incorrect but is little used... http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/criterions) of newsworthiness that cultural journalists of the Vila do Conde’s Letras cultural supplement (? A magazine supplement perhaps?) use (use or used...either would be fine depending on whether you want to say it as a completed action ...past tense...or as an on-going effort...present tense) to choose the highlights of each issue. At a time when budget cuts at newspapers penalize the cultural sections, it is critically important to look for this type of journalism, highlighting its importance in the (in)formation of the readers (this is unclear to me. Does it mean the formation of readership (acquisition of new readers) ...members who read and/or subscribe..., or does it mean the providing of information to readers?. The desire to develop this theme arose from my internship that took place in Letras. The stage (what stage?) will also allow the critical thinking (review) of a number of issues that arose during my time in Vila do Conde, which highlight the internal organization and work routines of the supplement, as well as critical comments from some reports I developed in an effort to establish a bridge with the knowledge I acquired during my studies in (of) Communication Sciences at the University of Coimbra. I will still look me (? what does this mean?) in this first part, (I will focus on ) the importance of a course in journalism for the profession and on how the internship programs of recent graduates in journalism are faced (looked at?) by media companies.
    Chapter II belongs entirely to the study of the criterions (criteria) used by (the) cultural journalists of Letras. The objective is to understand if cultural journalism has some characteristic that distinguishes it from others in this field, thus contributing to the characterization of this kind of journalism in Portugal.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Need urgently help!

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    Overall, this is very good. I can offer a few suggestions. Pay close attention to these phrases: importance in the (in)formation of the readers ; I will still look me and The stage , as these are unclear to me.
    Thanks a lot to everybody, specially to Vicent. The newspaper's name is "Vila do Conde" and it have a cultural supplement called "Letras". I worked specifically in Letras. Everything is correct now?

    This dissertation aims to scrutinize the news values that cultural journalists of the Vila do Conde’s Letras cultural supplement use to choose the highlights of each issue. At a time when budget cuts at newspapers penalize the cultural sections, it is critically important to look for this type of journalism, emphasizing its importance in the education of the readers. The desire to develop this theme arose from my internship that took place in Letras. The internship will also allow the review of a number of issues that arose during my time in Vila do Conde, which highlight the internal organization and work routines in the supplement, as well as critical comments from some reports I developed in an effort to establish a bridge with the knowledge I acquired during my studies in Communication Sciences at the University of Coimbra. In this first part I will focus on the importance of a course in journalism for the profession and on how the internship programs of recent graduates in journalism are looked at media companies.
    Chapter II belongs entirely to the study of the news valuesused by the cultural journalists of Letras. The objective is to understand if cultural journalism has some characteristic that distinguishes it from others in this field, thus contributing to the characterization of this kind of journalism in Portugal.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Need urgently help!

    Sounds great!! Like a native speaker!

    Just a couple of "tweaks" more.

    Quote Originally Posted by esousa
    Thanks a lot to everybody, specially to Vicent. The newspaper's name is "Vila do Conde" and it has a cultural supplement called "Letras". I worked specifically in Letras. Everything is correct now?

    This dissertation aims to scrutinize the news values that cultural journalists of the Vila do Conde’s Letras cultural supplement use to choose the highlights of each issue. At a time when budget cuts at newspapers penalize the cultural sections, it is critically important to look for this type of journalism, emphasizing its importance in the education of the readers. The desire to develop this theme arose from my internship that took place in Letras. The internship (?) will also allow the review (Do you mean the dissertation will also allow the review... or do you mean the (my) internship allowed me to review, or, become aware of...) of a number of issues that arose during my time in Vila do Conde, which highlight the internal organization and work routines in the supplement, as well as critical comments from some reports I developed in an effort to establish a bridge with the knowledge I acquired during my studies in Communication Sciences at the University of Coimbra. In this first part I will focus on the importance of a course in journalism for the profession and on how the internship programs of recent graduates in journalism are looked at media companies.
    Chapter II belongs (will be devoted) entirely to the study of the news values used by the cultural journalists of Letras. The objective is to understand if cultural journalism has some characteristic that distinguishes it from others in this field, thus contributing to the characterization of this kind of journalism in Portugal.

  7. #7
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    Default Help proofreading

    its perfect thank you a lot bro thnak you all of u bros im really so happy to help me thnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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