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Thread: The Moses Code - Mikki Willis speaking (help me)

  1. #1
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    Default The Moses Code - Mikki Willis speaking (help me)

    I found a solution.

    Thank you all.

    Now. How do I delete this post?
    Last edited by shajarandini; 10-09-2008 at 01:57 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The Moses Code - Mikki Willis speaking (help me)

    Quote Originally Posted by shajarandini
    Hi I have a problem because I don't understand what said Mikki Willis in this part of the movie "The Moses Code."

    Talks very fast for me.
    My English is very poor.

    Please anybody can help me to transcribe this video.


    What I hear is something like that.

    Here you go:

    In september 2001
    I was in new york

    I woke with the news
    and my friend that I was staying with...Doug.

    We went to the roof of his aparment building
    and watched the World Trade Center crumble.

    and both of us simultaneously looked at each other and said we have to go down there right now.

    We were literally running against the current of people that were rushing out of the scene. We were running into the scene.

    Doug works in the media so he had media badges that allowed us to get beyond barricades that were just being set up by local police.

    There was still no support system for these firefighters and these rescue workers. So it became a necessity that we find food and water really fast.

    So we actually with the support of a couple of NYPD police officers we started looting all the nearby delis and supermarkets. And we had turkey meats and we had the finest of New York delis meats and everything.

    After awhile it became clear that there was just one food that all the rescue workers wanted and that was peanut and jelly sandwiches.

    And I later realized that it was because it was comfort food.

    And it was the first area where they actually did the first roll-call..
    Fire chief stood up on top of one of the crushed fire trucks.

    There were probably 400 names that he called off and at least half of them were not present.

    As the reality set in with all of the the firefighters around that they were not present because they were not alive. They were in the building.

    They started to literaly crumble like dominoes all around as they fell to their knees, they sat on curbs, and these big hard men just in tears.

    The earth movers came in to clear the way for all of the rescue vehicles and Wall street was lined with all these... (and this continues)

    Thanks to all

    Are you asking for the entire 8 minutes of video to be transcribed??

  3. #3
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Moses Code - Mikki Willis speaking (help me)

    Hello shajarandini! Welcome to the forum!

    Sorry but it is too long...

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