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Thread: Trying with that ommision

  1. #1
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    Red face Trying with that ommision

    Well, I´ve been tring to learn about it. Is this right?
    You cannot say: I´ve read the letter that was safely kept, because the boss had gone at that moment.
    You must say: I´ve read the letter, which was safely kept, because the boss had gone at that moment.
    If you add some extra information in a non-defining relative clause, you can leave out “That” because it is not taking the subject place:
    Ghosts, whom I´ve never been afraid of, have always had an eery appearance.
    It could be different to say: Ghosts that you have spoken of are only real in your dreams.
    I am not sure at all of this. Please, give me your opinions.

    Best regards, the greatest friends.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by maramaras
    Well, I´ve been tring to learn about it. Is this right?
    You cannot say: I´ve read the letter that was safely kept, because the boss had gone at that moment. Bueno, I don't know why this would be wrong. If it is wrong, only an English major would notice. Maybe Frank can help!

    You must say: I´ve read the letter, which was safely kept, because the boss had gone at that moment. Good.

    If you add some extra information in a non-defining relative clause, you can leave out “That” because it is not taking the subject place:

    Ghosts, whom I´ve never been afraid of, have always had an eery appearance. I don't consider ghosts to be persons so instead of using "whom" I'd say "Ghosts, which I've never been afraid of ...." (an English major might tell you not to end your sentence with a preposition and write it "Ghosts. of which (or of whom) I've never been afraid....but in the real world your sentence structure will be just fine.

    It could be different to say: (It could be said differently...or...it could be said a different way.)

    Ghosts that you have spoken of are only real in your dreams. Good sentence

    I am not sure at all of this. Please, give me your opinions.

    Best regards, the greatest friends.
    Very good work maramaras.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    You cannot say: I´ve read the letter that was safely kept, because the boss had gone at that moment.
    You must say: I´ve read the letter, which was safely kept, because the boss had gone at that moment.

    In non-defining clauses, you cannot use ‘that’ instead of who, whom or which.

    Well, I don’t make the rules myself, and I agree with Vicente that the first sentence doesn’t sound too bad.
    But, Maramaras, you learned your lesson well, and the second sentence is certainly correct, and therefore better.

    beste groeten - sincčres salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  4. #4
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    Excuse me, Vicente and Frank. I´ve taken too much time to answer you, but I work a lot every day. Your answers have been so useful for me! I thank you very much, indeed! I am going to post in a few days.
    Best wishes for both of you!

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