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Thread: Diving Road

  1. #1
    New Member DüderiK's Avatar
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    Question Diving Road

    This is probably an odd question.
    I'd like to know what does "Diving Road" suggest to you. The thing is that I was thinking of a name for an indie/rock band and, after lots of possibilities, "Diving Road" came to my mind. It definitely sounds good to me, on a phonetic level, but I'm not sure if it really makes sense.
    I understand "diving" (not the sport) as "submerging in the sea" or "going underwater". So "Diving Road" suggests to me "a road or path which leads to the depths of the sea". I don't know if this is right, so I really need your help.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    I'm not a native speaker of the language, but "diving road" sounds good to me. Before I read your explanation, I pictured in my my mind exactly the same! going down the sea into the deep blue... so peaceful!

    Best of luck with your band!

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