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Thread: What is to lineup?

  1. #1
    Senior Member iyuanobi's Avatar
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    Default What is to lineup?

    Hi all. I saw in a document that is talking about to "lineup" suspects in the police station.
    Anyone that knows what does that mean? Also, I would really appreciate if you can provide a suitable Spanish translation for it.
    Thank you!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What is to lineup?

    A lineup is a police method used to help identify a perpetrator of a crime when they have an eyewitness. Several persons, one of whom is the suspect, are lined up in front of the witness (usually in a police station) and the witness is asked to indicate which person is the suspect.

    I don't know what they call this procedure in Spanish.

    Possibly: la rueda de sospechos; alineación policial
    Last edited by vicente; 03-29-2018 at 12:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is to lineup?

    Quote Originally Posted by iyuanobi View Post
    Hi all. I saw in a document that is talking about to "lineup" suspects in the police station.
    Anyone that knows what does that mean? Also, I would really appreciate if you can provide a suitable Spanish translation for it.
    Thank you!
    Great description Vicente!

    In various parts of Latin America is called: "Rueda de reconocimiento" , (Although it's not a common activity in Latin America, they don't usually call the victim to identify the perpetrator.)

    Reminds me of the movie: The Usual Suspects (1995) - IMDb

    You can find the term "Rueda de reconocimiento" in the Argentinian article:

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