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Thread: The Dark Alley (I)

  1. #1
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    Default The Dark Alley (I)

    As always, I write theses stories to encourage myself to improve the writing. If you see a big mistake, please, let me know.

    The Dark Alley

    Each part of my body seems like a key of a piano played by a master. The concert begun when the lights of the torchs that the people carried along the Station Road, just get off from Freshford Station in Bath, disappiered driving at their owners to their homes.
    Just when we was lighted up by the stars, he began to play the first times. His right hand sliped under my black pencil skirt, touching the inside of my kneel, and moving up slowing. As I stifled a pleasant gasp that make me to open wide-open eyes, trying
    to control the fire that was getting bigger. How have I came to this?

    All began at British Museum. It was so odd that sometimes I think it was a dream. I was seening at the Rosseta Stone, when I saw at other side of the glass box which locked in the Rosseta Stone, a slightly smile in his face. - "What funny thing
    he was seeing on the stone?". As I finished to ask to myselft this answer, he raise this eyes and stared at me with the same smile. I cut the sight inmediately and tried to focus on the stone. I took the museum guide..."..was discovered in Egypt.."
    - "..and do you know what is the most important?". I turned to where came the voice. It was him. "The most important thing.." - he went on - " is that allowed to decipher the egyptian writing...and we are now just in front of the History..".
    - Yes..I know - I cut him - I know the history of this stone. I am history teacher.
    - I am a teacher of nothing and pupil of all. My name is Gregorio Gris, but my friends call me G.G. Please call me G.G.
    - My name is Elizabeth.
    - What do you think Elizabeth about to have a new pupil and give a class now about ancient egypt? I hope you are not in rush.
    - Thank you, but I have to go to my place.
    - It is ok. You are in a fork, you know how it will be if you choose a path, what you are going to feel and learn, but the other
    path, you know that it will be very opposite at the other.

    His last words made me feel as if the whole museum was shaking by a earthquake. What to say?

    To be continued...

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The Dark Alley (I)

    Ripper, I would recommend changing the lights of the torchs to ¨the light from the torches¨. Great work though!!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: The Dark Alley (I)

    Quote Originally Posted by amayo View Post
    Ripper, I would recommend changing the lights of the torchs to ¨the light from the torches¨. Great work though!!
    Thanks Amayo for your comment. I will try to improve or at least keeping up the same level..


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